"You alone are the judge of your worth, and your goal is to discover infinite worth in yourself, no matter what anyone else thinks." Unknown

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Little moments of Joy

Although it was February, It felt like summer.  A warm day, walking down the street just back from the beach.  We had turned the corner on to our street. Still fairly new to the neighborhood, my girls and I were commenting on the houses two blocks down from ours as we passed by.  Which house we liked and why.  As we passed the yellow single story house that I admire every time I drive by it, a healthy happy cat pranced over to greet us.  The friendliest cat I have ever seen. He moved towards our hands in anticipation of our every caress.  A neighbor walked by and said, "that's Bob he's lived here a long time." Bob... the tuxedo cat who ate too many treats.  What a name. It made me smile just saying it. As my daughter pointed out, 'his name is so unoriginal that it is original, right?"  I couldn't have said it any better.  We sat for a while with Bob wishing we could take him home.  Especially after we found out that his owners had left him with no one in particular.  They just left Bob.  The new home owners feed him as do the other surrounding neighbors and he has claimed his territory and a new family.  He has his people and after spending a few minutes with him I could see why.  He was just one of those cats who you fall in love with because he spreads his love unconditionally.  We started to make our way home and Bob followed us down the street.  "Bye Bob!"  We all cried out to him.  Each of us secretly wishing he would follow us all the way home.

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